June 14th: Sivas to Ankara

An aside
We are finally caught up on our posts. It’s hard to find the time after a day of driving, fixing the car, showering and eating to get the events of the day down into words. I’ll try to be more diligent about updating everyday now that we’re moving into Europe.
The day
It was a sweltering 36 degrees today. We started off the day with a great regularity due to our maintenance yesterday. The dampers were working great now that they were full of oil and the brakes were much tighter after the adjustment. At one of our rest stops we were indoctrinated into team Kiwi.

Our route afterwards took us through tight village streets and out into picturesque farmland. The rolling hills of yellow and green were breathtaking. As we neared Ankara the storm clouds began to roll over the sky and our view ahead lit by lightning. Our dashcam has been malfunctioning again so it’s likely we didn’t capture any of the beautiful storm. The rain did nothing to help with the heat but it did help to clean the car. The traffic in Ankara was a crawl and the last kilometre to our hotel took us 30 minutes. We sat with our Turkish friends for dinner and for desert we drank raki and ate baklava. The day was mostly uneventful in a good way.