June 19th: Adriatic Sea to San Marino

June 19th: Adriatic Sea to San Marino

It was a very lovely sleep on the ferry. We had an interior room so it was pitch black with the low rumbling of the diesel engine vibrating the room gently. We got coffees and sparkling water and enjoyed the foggy view from the deck. It was a very relaxed morning and afternoon as we waited to arrive in Ancona. Once we arrived, we took off down the highway and then through beautiful italian farmlands and small villages. San Marino is a beautiful city and intricate sculptures line the twisty road to the top of the mountain where the city center is. We had an open air dinner in a park with lots of good wine. Mathias and Franz explained the German tradition of watching Dinner for One every new years eve. I will definitely be celebrating that way this year. Pascal shared a list of lessons he learned from the rally that he’s written down, I’d like to share one of them I found very inspiring:

Everything you want, especially happiness, is often on the other side of fear.

The rest of the list was very good as well. I‘m inspired to write my own list once we get to Paris.