May 28th: The Great Sea Road to Urumqi

We started to the day leaving the surprise hotel to head back out into the park. Neither of us ate much, just a few fruits, so we were hungry for a day of good driving. The undulating gravel road we set out upon did not satisfy that hunger and we were passed by atleast 20 other competitors on our way to the regularities. We did excellent on those regularities, not losing more than 15 seconds iver the whole day! It came at a cost though as we got to the next gas station we realized our headlight had fallen off. On top of that, our speedometer stopped working and our car wasn’t starting! We jump started it and left it running until the end of the day when we returned to the hotel. Our friend Dave helped us clean the starter solenoid and we were back in business! The lower hotel car park also had a car wash service so we were able to get all the mud off. We finished off the day with a headlight repair and went to sleep happy to reset the damage of the day.